Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have same day appointments? Yes, and Walk-Ins are welcome.
Do you take my insurance? We are providers for most insurance providers including UPMC, Highmark (BCBS), Aetna, Cigna, Medicare, Medicaid and many more. Just call our office and we will verify your coverage.
Does it hurt? No. We use a variety of techniques and types of therapy that range from very little force for those in severe pain to other more aggressive techniques for those that prefer and can tolerate more force. We will cater a treatment plan to your individual needs.
How long will it take? Your first visit may take 45 minutes to an hour due to paperwork and initial exam. However, subsequent visits may take anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour depending on what is involved with your particular condition and treatment plan.
Can your office do DOT Medical Exams so I can get or keep a Medical Examiner Certificate? Yes, Dr. McCort has extensive experience perform DOT Exams.
Will I have the same doctor on every visit? Yes, you will see Dr. McCort exclusively.